Fruit Juices

What You Eat Could Hurt You!

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How much thought do you put into what you eat?

If you want to get into great shape then you’ll be interested to know that 80% of your fitness results are attributed to your diet.
In our fast-paced society, eating is often done with little or no thought as to what exactly it is going into our body. Excess body fat is usually a direct result of hurried, poor nutrition. Even if you do try to put some thought into what you’re eating, you may be frustrated about exactly what to eat and why those extra pounds just won’t seem to go away.
Sometimes it seems like the whole system is set up to confuse and frustrate us into buying the latest and greatest packaged food. The bottom line is that your physique is largely a result of what you eat, so the foods that you put into your body should be carefully selected.

It’s time to re-examine what you eat. It all starts with reading nutritional labels. The nutritional content and ingredient list will give you everything you need to know about the quality of the food item.

I’ve outlined 3 ingredients that should raise a red flag when you turn over that package and find them listed:

Red Flagged Ingredient:

1. High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS)
HFCS is a manmade sugar, derived predominantly from genetically modified corn. The sweet concoction has been shown to promote binges and extreme hunger, and wrecks havoc on your blood sugar levels, promoting fat storage.
The introduction of HFCS into our food supply directly paralleled a 47% spike in Type 2 Diabetes cases as well as an 80% increase in obesity. Food manufacturers use HFCS in many mainstream products, including the following:

Sauces (including ketchup) 

Many Energy Bars

Non-diet Soft Drinks / Fruit Juices

Processed baked goods

Most packaged snack foods

2. Hydrogenated Fat / Partially Hydrogenated Fat (Trans Fat)
Hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated fats have undergone such extensive processing that the chemical structure has changed from a “cis” shape, which the human body recognizes and utilizes, to a “trans” shape, which is foreign and destructive to human physiology.
Check each food label for the word ‘hydrogenated’ and avoid it diligently. Cutting out hydrogenated fats is a simple set towards looking and feeling your best.

3. White Flour
White flour comes from natural whole wheat that has been stripped of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. This results in a nutritionally void product that is packed with calories that release quickly into your system, creating a spike in blood sugar. As you know, this promotes fat storage and leads to extreme hunger and cravings.

Once you cut these 3 items out of your diet, you’ll be pleased with the results. Expect to lose weight, to have more energy and to feel better than you have in a long time.
If you’re serious about looking and feeling your best through purifying your diet, then focus on eating real food items. Real foods include lean meats, vegetables, whole grains, fruits, nuts and seeds.
Remember, while nutrition is vitally important for weight loss, true results are achieved through a combination of both nutrition and challenging, progressive exercise.

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